Can anyone recommend a record box to buy What do people recommend for luggin' your tunes about? Dont want to spend a fortune, but i want to look da shit, not some tramp with tesco carrier bags in which he keeps his plastic
Re: Can anyone recommend a record box to buy m8, get yaself a UDG bag from htfr, there quality hold about 70 vinyl and look the bizz!!! if u want a cheaper alternative go to somewhere like HMV and gte a box, there about £40 and just as handy!!!
Buy a box-bag. I'm gonna get one soon. They're pretty good. I carry records bags when i'm out and about. A box-bag holds just as many tunes and is easier to carry than a box. I use those metal boxes from hmv to keep my tunes in but i prefer to carry a bag! Thats just my preference though!
u'll not hav to pay £100 pound m8!!! u'll be to pick up a technics bag for £45 or just get a box for £40 nice and cheap!!!