ive been thinkin same thing, or can u send them off net, or can u transfer them from computer using bluetooth?? hmmmm any answers?
we arent here to help you, we are here to pisstake, rile you up, have global debates, find out what colour shoes people decide to wear that day, who people think is gay, who takes drugs, who has the most designer label clothing, who knows what pizza toast is, what music we listen to, how the best way to get to places is, when people are djing, how to download programmes, who has the best gurn, what things we can balance on our nose, what we like putting in our mouths, whats on our desk, do we prefer showers or baths, what positions do we like, who do we bank with, what funny sites are, what we think about the government, asylum seekers, the tsunami, sick jokes, stalkers, relationships, engagements, parties, nights out, whats our favourite take away meal, where do you buy your records from, who is the best at todays random game, who works where, what time you have taken a shit that day, how many ibuprofen you can take before being sick, favourite films, kids tv programmes, books, magazines, celebrities, shoes, names for a penis, where we stand politically, our prison names, christmas names, what browser we have installed, who is shagging who, what kind of computers we have, what the best thing is to get, where we do our shopping, what tv we watch, how we hate charvas, pub trivia, religion, favourite drinks, tabs we smoke, comedowns, hangovers, strange connections to numbers and best of all, dr im so crazy me. quality
nah but imagine if someone was stalking you or something? they would know EVERYTHING about you?!! the internet freaks me out sometimes like
Definately... I freak out when people put posts up that are far too personal there could be any pervs/freaks/wierdos reading this
yeah u can email pics to ur fone if u aint got a bluetooth dongle just setup ur email account on ya fone, then email from ur pc, easy
im not to sure, i just bought a usb bluetooth adapter so i can now send pics, videos and mp3s to my phone and visa versa