Through Sheer determination alone I got 4 Hours last night.. now I'm off to work to climb around cranes. The joy of working weekends
i had mint sleep :smile: gutted when alarm woke me at 05:30 :frown: at work now but feel fresh as a daisy
im blasted. i just kicked my lass in the ankle, (by mistake , of course) she aint woke up, so all is good... carling academy was mucho fun today
had 4 a field then had a 17 walk which starterd at 6:30 Don't join the Royal Navy only kidding its a good laugh..
you hinted that you wanted to go to bed half an hour before i actually let you there's nothing worse being stuck in an endless drunk internet conversation.
I was already on my bed, I'm just too polite to ignore people. You were going on and on, something about cheap pints and chips?