car bomb some bored charver decided to blow up a taxi in my street at 12:40 last night.. can't move my car - glass everywhere. Never heard anything as loud in my entire life. They removed the taxi (a white Merc) at 5am with this huge lorry thing, you can see where it was except they took all the metal bits that flew off it away for ferensics. Only in Cramlington peeps.. Anyone want a flat mate?
bloody hell...not so good...i'm wanking would have entertained him for a few seconds & mite've taken his mind off blowing up a car!!!
my mates not long bought a flat in cramlington for 70k we said he was stupid, he said "cramlingtons nice" i said "thats what the estate agents tell you you muppet" ive got another mate whos called tiny, hes fucken massive, him and his bird used to work sum niteclub doors in glasgow, they finnaly uprooted and moved away after the locals kept trying to nick his car his bird grabbed a hold of a few of them and threw them about, all it did was stop the atempts for a few months probably has got a few nice parts ive got a mate who owned a 22b impreza (there still worth 30/40k) and he lives in cramlington, probably lives in a old millitary base or sumthing
Nah, there was only a bit of fire on the seat it exploded on (i went out). Wasn't petrol or anything - don't really know what it was. Should have seen how buckled the taxi was.. doors out, parts all over the car park. Nightmare..
Honestly, until now Cramlington was an alright place to live - no bother. I really want to move out now, it'll be my car next (bottom right of the foto) or my mam's (bottom left).
It would have been the old 'slash the seats, set fire to the foam inside the seats' technique. *ahem* boooooooooooooooooooom
So they first smashed the door window and then placed some kind of device/molotov on the seat and it then exploded ?
Yep - there was very little fire damage in the car but there was a huge chunk of the rear right seat missing (not burned).
wow - thats a proper explosive device. I doubt very much it was a bored charver. Sounds like retaliation for something to me....
i have manners young nasser...respect your elders... :evil: anyways what was i supposed to do, i was all alone & lonely??!!!!