Carl Cox Last Night... First time I've seen the big guy and was impressed! He built his set very well was a lil housey in places for me but I had a really good night! He played 7 Nation Army as well!
Was a really good set last night. Good to see him getting some techno going as well as the odd classic house track. Good stuff
Pontupe / Tim Deluxe bootleg Chable & Bonnici - Ride Some classic happy piano house tunes which I can't remember the names of. Lots of latin style tribally techno
It's Pontape with the vocal from Tim Deluxe - Just Won't Do. It's getting released on Intec, but I'd say just buy a copy of each and make your own, it's more fun
Its played slow as fuck thos isnt it ?? I remem someone playing it NYE @ Shindig, more than likely Tim Deluxe actually
Yeah Deluxe dropped it on NYE. Not really that much different about it. Just a simple acapella over the original tune
I can imagine, he closed the terrace @ space one night last year with Queen - We will rock you = Carnage