Cats How can I stop them coming in my garden at night? Security light keeps coming on and they keep digging bulbs, half eating them and shitting everywhere. Is there anything I can do without getting violent?
Theres this thing you can get and its a really loud beeping noise that only like cats can hear or something? Im not 100% but som,e1 has one near my school and apparently its to keep the cats out
Re: Cats fill some 2 litre bottles up with water and put them in your garden, lying down!!! the cats wont bother you, dont ask me why but my uncle does it coz he's a keen gardner and it seems to work
I nearly died today! One of mine went onto my window ledge n I had the window open and he climbed out and nearly fell off...I had to risk falling out the window myself to save my tookie he got slapped for being naughty though :tut:
was just going to say that. if you leave orange peel around the edges of the garden it should put cat's off going in. not sure how many you need to leave out though.
Re: Re: Re: Cats Because cats have an in built fear that one day a bottle of waterc will eat them and take away all of there nine lives and theyl be left floating in a diet pepsi bottle for all eternity .... Or maybe there just thick as fook and dont like the look of them :spangled:
He wouldnt its quite high up plus he would have fallen into a tree or something or on the rocks in the garden
Re: Re: Re: Cats they get scared of their reflection im guessing, only thing i can think of, bet it happens 2 u all the time tho
Looks like hes just seen a bottle of water ! Aaaaaaargh run little furry one run ... bless the lil thing