Cats Kittens are fucking class. Just got a 8 week old tabby, who I've named "Fritz (The Cat)". He's mental!
i'm pretty sure our kitten tried to kill me the other day... was in the bath an he tried to put my phone (among other things) into the bath... thank fuck he couldn't get the toaster from there from the kitchen
when i first got my youngest dog (sam) he was a little 2 month old boxer pup, this horrible cat scratched his face for no reason when i had him out. i tried to kick the little shit (to no avail, he/she was too fast for me) anyway a year past and he was still triying to pull me down the drive of the house that the cat lives. the other night late on i was going to bed so i let the dogs out for a pre bedtime toilet break, i hear a cat screaming so i ran outside. sam had the cat pinned down to the floor bashing it allover with its paws (as boxers do) i restrained sam but i wish i hadnt of, there was a steamy cat shit on hte doorstep the next morning, i know it was that little bastard! next time im gonna let sam kill the fucking little shit. i love my pup seans moral of the day---- hate all pussy that scratches your dog and shits on your step
i have a massive window that pushes right out, an air rifle with a scope and a boatload of trees around the back of mine. i could sit there for hours
My Boxer is having pups ! there due in august proper pedigree lil cute pupies gonna sell them for £600.00 a pop hope she has a big litter 10 will do nicely .... Cats are ok to :angel2:
at my old house i had a huge window that opened from the bottom outwards, it left a massive gab at the top when opened, i used to shoot 'things' off the chimney pots. you could also get onto my kitchen roof from it, we were on my roof with the black widow and some paint balls, shot a window and the bloke seen us on the roof the next day and shopped us
my youngest one is 2 and the oldest is 12, i know sum1 who wants to breed the old 1 because he is lush and his dad was crufts champion, we get pick of the litter so were gonna get a female and breed the youngest 1. £££££££ and i payed for the young 1 (£700!!) so i get half the dollar. cant wait! gonna see me through school hopefully
gutter, there was a simmilar situation with me and my bro, we put a conservatory window out, long story short my dad ended up punching the bloke because he was being abbrupt with my stepmam
Had a lush boxer dog in South Africa called Benton. Got knocked down trying to cross the road to go shag some bitch who was in heat. Was gutted, but that was Benton, always after the bitches We then got another Boxer, but some evil Green Mamba bit him in our garden, and he died after only having him for a couple of months
i hate that, boxers are the best dogs ever! i would not have another dog, they are so friendly and playfull. i have never ever seen a vicious one. i hate it when people abuse/kill dogs in films aswell, in independance day i saw 100000000 yankies die and i couldnt give a fuck, but when the dog nearly got cooked in the tunnel my heart skipped a beat
yeah mate they will all be tan i wouls think both the stud and wor Bri are tan with four whithe paws so im thinking unless shes been doing the milkman there wont be any brindle ones . Used to have two but one died earlier this year she was 14 tho which is sncient for a boxer !
Cats stink of shit. my lass has 3 cats and they are propa little pests. although Geordie the balck and white cat has a tendency to hump my leg alot, which i find quite amusing!!! dogs are much better i have a springer Spanial and he is propa mental, its impossible to tire him out.
Benton's best mate was our Siamese cat. He even used to let the cat lick his balls, haha! He never turned on anyone he knew, but if someone threatening was at the gates or in the street (South Africa was a violent place back then,m especially if you we're a white women, like my Mum), he went bezerk at them. He was a very loyal dog, still miss him after 11 years! Some twatty charver who comes into my centre was asking me what I thought the best breed of dogs were. Obviously I said Boxers. He then laughed and said they are shit dogs as their jaws aren't strong enough for fighting. Prick.
yeah their life expectancy is 8 so you cant complain, i think getting this pup was the best thing i could have done, the old one runs around daft with it, keeping it young sort of thing, if we didnt get the pup i rekon dan would have been lying around all day