Celeb and stupid names in your family You know the ones. Do you have cousins called Andrew Andrews and that sort of shit. I realised last night that I've an uncle called David Cameron; a cousin called Jade green and another uncle called Richard (Dick) Peacock. There is also a lad in my college class called David Beckham! No shit!
dont have any ion the family but i work with a bloke called Roger Rodney Rogerson the third ! Hes an eccentric it trainer and quite possibly the biggest geek to ever walk the face of the earth ! Quality dress sense tho the guy wears a purple cordiroy jacket most days ! haha Gimp !
I have a cousin named Felix. Dunno what his parents were thinking, as he is definitely a BOY not a cat. And on my placement last year there was a woman called Beverly Peverly which always made me chuckle.
My Uncle Andrew slyly made his sons middle name Elvis. Think of the grief that kids gonna get at school
Not in my family but when I went to school these were some of my teachers names. This is no joke Mrs Badger Mr and Mrs Sparrow Mr Chicken Miss Wren Mrs Cocksedge Mr Goodhead i go to uni with a girl whos surname is Willys
there was a lad a year below us called peter reid, and a lad a year above called richard head...poor cunt
we had a mrs dick, wierd thing was her first name was peter my sister had a few good names when she worked for a london coach company many moons ago (mr tom arto, mr p. nut) and me and paula got some crackers at gner, like a very posh woman called mrs shed (pronouced sheed apparently), shades of hyacinth bucket
theres a bird at my work called jenna taylia they had to start calling her jenna taylor on the tannoy for obvious reasons