Changes at Jockey Slut

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simon Stuart, Jan 30, 2004.

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  1. Simon Stuart

    Simon Stuart Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Newcastle, UK
    Changes at Jockey Slut

    News from Music Week that the slut's going back to four times a year...

    Jockey Slut, the UK-based dance music magazine owned by Swinstead Publishing, is to undergo a series of changes within forthcoming months that will see the magazine issued quarterly and a redevlopment of its online offering.

    The new Jockey Slut website will be updated on a daily basis to compensate for the magazine going quarterly and will also carry paid-for content such as downloads.

    The Jockey Slut brand will also be developed through a new record label, focusing on commercial album releases, increased merchandise, and the hosting of two events at the Miami Winter Conference including a Chemical Brothers show. Jockey Slut will also be teaming up MTV and Motorola to host an event called Motomash at Canvas, London on March 21.

    Swinstead managing director, Jon Swinstead says, "Information is so readily available now that some monthly titles struggle to be either relevant or considered. Daily, weekly, weekend supplements and online are far more suited to timely information. We are taking a positive step forward in order to allow the brands to grow in the appropriate media and investing in them to ensure they achieve their vast potential within this brave new world."
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Guest

    :( The pogo for pumps cd's were awsome!! im gonna miss them :( still suppose there'll be non anyway as there wasnt one with this months :(

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