Ergh when there was a few men around him trying to move him and he jsut lying like a whale :sick: im gunna watch it though, might help my healthy eating stint
Yeah that was disgusting... I meant how they didnt show his face until the last minute... Had you thinking. It definately makes me want to get out and just walk!
i once worked with a chick who only used to shit once every 3 weeks i couldt work out how it could be possible, she did have huge bOObs tho
why didn't his wife tell the fat bastard to get up cos she wasn't making him no more food... that's have hleped him shift some weight it's the 2nd time he's been that size an all...he already got craned out of his bed once... fat fuck should've been left to die
Smokers arent left to die if they have problems though. Its one of those things healthy eaters and non-smokers could rant about but not me!
why did she feel the need to share that information with you?? do you think the huge boobs was a result of lack of shitting... i've just had horrid thoughts of farts, boobs & shit :sick:
none smokers can get the same health problems as smokers tho so it's a harder case to define... a fat bastard like that is bound to have health well as bed sores, a scabby arse (i bet he did) & his skin cracking from getting sweat caught in it :sick: & that's just to start with... blame his stupid wife the daft bint...ok hunni i'll bring you all the pizza's you want eek i wonder when he got fat