Channel 5 now The Hearing Weapon Did anyone see / gear that???? they just used this played this noise from a weapon/deterrent that was developed by the us military to disperse crowds.... the version they played on the TV was developed to deter gangs of youths (-25) from hanging around buildings etc... the high pitched sound is somehow only effective to people UNDER 25....... it effects a part of the ear that deteriates after 25 so older ppl cant hear it i got a sharp pain in my left ear but couldnt hear fuck all........ the kids on the TV where squirming like fuck and asking for it to be turned off
the really low frequencies are better, the ones that make you shit yourself and puke, thats uber crowd control, making them all shit everywhere
i think the thing is the whole concept never really took off because, low frequency sound goes everywhere it isn't directional like hi pitched sound so whoever turns on the machine will shit themselves to The germans also developed a sound cannon during the second world war, which was so big that if you came into contact with the sound you died instantly biggest it setup and standing wave inside your body, and eventually the wave gets bigger and bigger till it rips you apart, sounds nice don't it. But again it used low frequencies and all the people testing it died
i know it seems simple but i guess back then they didn't have such technology. and today what if the remote broke who would run in a turn it off, i certainly wouldn't
the yanks have been developing anti personnel sound deterants for divers. they are for use on warships. it send out an ultra low frequency noise that makes your internal organs burst if you get too close to the ships hull.