Chavs From SKY NEWS THE CHAVS HAVE IT Britain's latest buzzword, it seems, is chav. It is defined as the type of people who wear cheap gold jewellery, baseball caps and certain designer brands. Celebrities labelled as chavs include Jordan, Jodie Marsh and footballer Wayne Rooney. The description has become so commonplace it now has a reference in a book on English language. Chav has been named buzzword of the year by Susie Dent, one of the language experts on the TV show Countdown. Her new book Larpers and Shroomers: The Language Report, also includes a list of buzzwords of the year from the start of the 20th century.
buzzword of the year? I started using it about 7 years ago, along with my mates? Also pronounced "Charv" not "Chav" which appears to be the new guise of the word.
its charv in newcastle/north-east... chav everywhere else well wherever they say it... id hadnt heard it till i came up here... 'scratter' 'scrubber' and my favourite... 'fucking scutter!' do me fine...
aye, charvers an age old word that used to mean m8, but now is used to describe young scalliwags in tracksuit bottoms tucked in2 socks with rockports. and a chav is more like your cockney upmarket charver, stone island, cp, henri lloyd etc
dahn sarth (down south) they call scallywag type charvers 'pikes' or 'pikeys', an up in glasgie they call them 'neds' (non educated delinquents'