clothes shops in the town? there's probably other threads but its easier just to ask are their any other ones apart from the obvious? i'm heading in tomorrow looking for something a bit more slick for special occasions etc so any help would be great
for smart gear at canny prices check slaters,,its quality, good selection of jeans an t-shirts to shirts an dress gear,,
if you want to spend a shit load of money and get something really good try Cruise Flannels sale which should be on now. designer clothes with loads off but still cost a fortune. but good like
Re: clothes shops newcastle is very disappointing for clothes shopping, and sunderland is exponentially worse!! better off jumping on ze train down to leeds to spend ya hard earned, top gear there
cheers people, i went in with rossy, it was mayhem though so i didn't even bother, gonna give it another go soon when people have hopefully spent their christmas money