Cold Medicines Anyone recommend anything for getting rid of a cold, quickly!!! Ive got a blocked nose and a razor throat, I can feel my limbs all starting to ache, I cant be off work and I also have a 3yrold to look after....BEING ILL IS JUST NOT POSS.....HELP
Take stuff like lemsip tablets or something along the lines. Paracetamol is good for reducing your temperature (making you feel better) and for the pain in your throat. Also get plenty of Vitamin C into you - eat oranges, fruit etc. Take cod liver oil once a day or multi vitamins to build your immune system up. Other than that, curl up in bed and let someone run around after you!!
Cheers hun, dont think the curling up in bed and letting someone run round after me is gonna happen though
Steam your head!!! Place your head over a bowel/pan/sink of boiling water with a towel over your ehad to keep the steam in. All your bogeys will come out and you feel mint afterwards I ahd a horrible cold last week and a full pack of Beechams flu plus did nowt, steaming was the only way - that and sweating my ass off at the Chems