COLOUR (MCR) presents: DJ Rush, DJ Bone and Ben Sims

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by Technocolour, Jun 9, 2010.

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  1. Technocolour


    Jun 9, 2010
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    COLOUR (MCR) presents: DJ Rush, DJ Bone and Ben Sims

    Friday 9th July 2010
    COLOUR presents:

    DJ Rush
    DJ Bone
    Ben Sims

    with COLOUR DJ’s in support.

    There is something uniquely special about sharing experiences with like-minded individuals, celebrating the very reasons you chose to get together in the first place. Hopefully this gig will live up to that expectation; we don’t think this party could be any clearer in representing what we are trying to do right now.

    This line up, certainly not for the faint hearted, has been aimed at techno perfection. Although the opportunity to host Beyer was lost in a cloud of ash in April, the most exciting thing to come out of The Advent’s unbelievable replacement performance was the confidence and belief it’s given us to push the musical boundaries away from the expected. For July, we believe we’ve assembled one of the most formidable line-ups of techno (in the truest sense of the word) Sankeys has seen in a long time.

    DJ Rush is, to so many of us, the truest of legends. Where as others may have waxed and waned through trends, or morphed and shifted their own take on techno over time, Rush has always stayed true to his individual style of uncompromising, percussion-heavy techno. He smashed the Bloc apart, and why wouldn’t he? Funk, rhythm and kicks that you’ll feel deep, deep down; all laid down with that irrepressible Chicago funk that will have you moving like never before. This will be the very essence of the party, and something that won’t be seen again for a very long time.

    And if an event revolves around performance, then in support we have brought the very best. DJ Bone is a true techno pioneer, someone who is described by all his peers as one of the best. One of the greatest musical experiences is to be left in wonder, and whereas others increasingly look to ever advancing technological innovation to shape their sound, Bone has always kept it truly real. Three decks, three records, a mixer and a whole lot of soul - there probably isn’t a DJ out there who can do what this man has been doing for over 15 years.

    Except maybe the UK’s greatest Techno exponent, and another of the genre’s greatest turntable performers: Ben Sims The instantly recognisable tribal funk sound he has made his own permeates nearly every aspect of genre; his unique ability to simultaneously chew up sounds and samples of all techno persuasions (and beyond) and spit it out as one seamless hunk of irresistible dance floor groove is world renowned.

    With this event we’ve flown in the face of ever-changing trends and aimed to bring you a no-nonsense roster of absolute techno establishment, in the form of a party that will not be replicated again for a long time. Three DJs (artists who have had a direct hand in sculpting the genre we love), all headliners in their own right, for one night only.

    Tickets available from Skiddle:

    And the Sankeys website:

    Or from any of the COLOUR profiles. Search on Facebook for:

    Matt Colour
    Tom Colour
    Mackie Colour
    Eastwood Colour
    Gaz Colour
    Phil Colour

    Attached Files:

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
    Likes Received:
    dear me

    id like to see the fair weather techno facebookers getting a load of this :lol:
  4. Danny_Habit

    Danny_Habit Registered User

    May 23, 2003
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    Better vest ?

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