Computer viruses is not a geek thread, it is more me pointing out to the world how CRAP i am with computers! My computer messed up big stlye a few weeks ago, sirens going off and all sorts, virus alret etc etc. SO after it refused to come on at all I decided to take it to my IT manager at work. After much faffing around he managed to sort it, however a few of the guys decided to have bets on how many infected files/viruses I had aquired to my system. Marketing manager "60" IT manager "15" Random bloke using the print shop "25" Anyway the grand total was..................... 1217!!!!!!HA HA HA I'm awful. So anyway, just wanted to share this knowledge with everyone now I have my computer back. I have been warned it was from downloading music.
1217 viruses? I think not like Perhaps 1217 instances of spyware is a more likely outcome as for downloading music, use Limewire and make sure the file type is MP3 - if you do that you won't be downloading any virus infected files any time soon.
Well I'm just repeating what my IT manager said so to be honest I belive he is right, he said there were well over 1217 infected files with the amount of viruses of a similar number. He knows.
yeah my dads comp had something like that! but alot of them arent really harmful, or rnt even virus's! excpet the few nasty shites that turn ur comp off!