Confused and Amused I woke up to find this in my inbox I've got no idea who it is :spangled: yo boi tis denny here, gonna lay it out real smooth for you. Am running dis music company down south and am looking for some crem de la crem raptastic rhymes from my northeast brothers, you ma man are one of the lucky ones, you have the chance to make it big by rapping with me, denny boi. before a start i'll lay down some of ma rhymes to give you an idea of what im looking for CHECK IT yo, yo back from the streets, it doesn't matter. this is denny boi, loud and clear if ya not got ma back, ya in da wrong gear beer...rhymes with fear drink with me or all cut off your fucking ear..... then its your turn for the chorus: DENNY BOI, DENNY BOI IVE NEVER MET A BOY LIKE DENNY BOI me. FUCK YEAH, FUCK YEAH i wont give away too much more ma nigga, but this should wet your appitite, page me back. holla.denny