Cost of car insurance How much do you reckon it'll be for a 25yr old on group 20 insurance? You lot have any mates with group 15-20 insurance and how much do they pay?
cos that way he wont get to talk about buying a porsche on a messageboard. and wont get the attention he craves
coz they don't give quotes online for elise. I found one and it was £2300. That's fucking mental! 1998/99 versions aren't much to brag about. New focus would cost more. Anyway I don't have one, so how can I be attention seeking for something I don't have? Don't pre-judge people ****
calibra! thats not bad at all! when i get my golf gti im looking at just shy of a grand ish and that group 14
I reckon £2300 is about right for the afforementioned vehicles, the reason it wont quote on line is cos your only 25 and it's a fast car. So for that reason alone expect to pay premiums like that. not being funny or owt, but if your gonna complain that the insurance is too expensive then surely you cant afford the car??? I hate poncey cunts who always ring up winging that the price of there insurance went up from last year, and it's like "well last year you had a mini and this year you have a ferrari???" and they are like, "you penalising me for wanting to drive a nicer car" EH? What is not to understand?? If you can afford to buy the car then shut the fuck up and pay up for your insurance cos your obviously not skint, so your just a typical man - TIGHT
Re: Cost of car insurance Insurance seems to differ so much with there being loads variables. Try and youll get loads of quotes.