Crasher pics - 11/11/06
class pics lee it was so funny when stu was tryin to take a pic ith his phone and you knocked him on purpose
Probably because I was lost for 3/4 of the night, I was looking all over for you's, never thought about texting you to see where you were. haha
Someone found it fucking hilarious that he had the same t-shirt as me He looks a touch shocked by it all though....
Ahh that's why, I remember him getting the photo taken then walking away like someone'd just stole his milk money.
those pictures are class!!!! i think i took a few pics, u can tell cause ive got peoples heads cut off and everything keep those poppers away from me next time rossy
i remember stu slappin u round the head for giving them to me you were loving that bootleg lambrini on the train like
Think I just needed something to wet my mouth a bit. By the end of the night everyone was knocking them back.