
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by psycaholic, Jun 1, 2006.

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  1. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he

    taken from the warrington local ragg

    Could plug be pulled on Creamfields?
    TICKETS are selling fast but the show may not go on for Creamfields as Warrington council bosses attempt to put the blocks on.

    Borough council chiefs submitted their objection to the legendary dance festival, planning to take centre stage in Daresbury, following noise concerns.

    This decision could jeopardise the awarding-winning event for 45,000 revellers who are expected to descend on the tiny village.

    Jan Souness, head of service in the chief executive's unit, said: "Following tests at key locations, our environmental health officers have advised that there will be a significant effect on up to 200 households because of noise levels.

    "We felt there was no alternative but to submit our objections. We will be following these up with a formal presentation at the licensing hearing."

    The local authority is the latest in a long list of objectors to the proposed event on August 26 and 27 at Lord Daresbury's estate.

    James Barton, Cream chief executive, said: "I am surprised because we believe that our application is fully comprehensive and deals properly with all aspects of the management of an event of this kind.

    "Our track record shows that we have the necessary expertise for staging and managing a major outdoor event, allowing thousands of people to enjoy themselves in a safe and secure environment while effectively minimising the disruption for those living nearby."

    A ground swell of public opinion voiced a resounding 'no' as the consultation period ended on Wednesday.

    Walton, Hatton, Appleton and Stockton Heath parish councils have already sent letters objecting to the festival to Halton Borough Council which is responsible for licensing the event.

    Meanwhile, a group called the Five-Parish Action Committee, acting on behalf of Daresbury, Hatton Appleton, Stretton and Walton parish councils and 500 residents, have formed to lodge their objections to Creamfields.

    Yet this has not stopped organisers trying to sway residents by offering free tickets for the festival, boasting acts such as the Prodigy, Goldfrapp and the Zutons, if they sign saying they are in agreement with the event.

    If approved at the hearing next month, Warrington's neighbouring authority will net £24,000 from the licence alone.

    The site covers 120,000 sq metres in Halton and 90,000 sq metres in Warrington.
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