Creationists - How to ruin a museum? surely lying to children like this child abuse?
Shows up religion to be the bullshit it is - Religion has it's dogma, it's ideas of what IS - and then fits the world around it TO it's ideas. it's static. The Evolution theory develops over time - it's ALLOWED to develop - and it doesn't worship 1 overall supreme being
I'm all for open mindedness and respecting peoples belief in religion but his quote about the display really did make me laugh. "It's a great fairytale but bad science"....
dear god, thats fucking stupid that. and INCREDIBLY annoying why are they being obviously ignorant towards significantly more reasearched scientific fact. these kids are the neo-extremists of a rapidly growing cult that is creationism. Bald idiot creationist: "how do we know god created birds to be birds" Brainwashed child: "it said it in the bible" i'm gonna hunt for a big pro-creationist forum to take the piss, the fucking retards.
does it really bother you that much? playstation generation seems slightly closer to child abuse to me...
yes? a supposed modern/civilised country teaching blatant lies in the name of religion - and the state backing this? Science is about finding the truth, religion is about pushing dogma onto people. be ashamed.
had to laugh at Dawkins this morning on radio 4 speaking about Cardinal Cormack Murphy (leader of the Catholics in England) He said he didn't see why the Cardinal should be given the right to influence public policy just because he has an 'imaginary friend'
These 2 fuckin idiots dont even seem like they believe what they're saying in the interviews!!! Fuck me this bloke contradicts himself more than the bible itself. He's asked "why are human remains not found in the same layers as dinosaurs?" and low and behold, he can't answer it. What a fuckin tool!! Once again to quote a great philosopher; "You know the world's 12 thousand years old and dinosaurs existed, they existed in that time, you'd think it would have been mentioned in the fucking Bible at some point. "And lo Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. But the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus... with a splinter in his paw. And O the disciples did run a shriekin': 'What a big fucking lizard, Lord!'
there are dinosaurs in the bible? I'd agree with you that this museum's concept is ridiculous, but I'd also point out to you that taking the bible literally in order to back up your arguments is also equally stupid. I don't interpret the bible literally, and I don't know of anyone else who does. There is meaning behind it, and that is more important than the word for word account in it. Every religion has it's own story of creation (some of them overlap, some don't). The details of them aren't important - it's the meaning behind it. Dawkings believes that atheism is the logical extension of understanding evolution - I disagree. I believe that it is possible to believe in god and for evolution to have taken place. Albert Einstein studied the universe for years and came to the realization that there was no way the universe could be this complex without a creator. He said "I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice." I went to two catholic schools and we were taught the theory of evolution just everyone else - in fact creationism never got a look in. If any of you think that this museum is the norm for teaching in faith schools or it's what the large majority of christians believe you'd be sadly mistaken This is just another example of US christian fundamentalism - don't tar all religious folk with the same brush
you can believe what you like, nobody would deny you your belief. It's when the people who believe something take it upon themselves to tell others what they can and can't do because of that belief. If the catholics for instance had their way I wouldn't be able to use contraception. Or if the muslims had their way I couldn't drink alcohol. Irrational beliefs are no basis for lawmaking, I don't want to have to grow a beard because someone says their imaginary friend says I have to. is all.
Or if athiest hypocrits had their way creationists wouldn't be able to educate their own children.... Stalin would be proud.
depends on how you regard education. Would you defend the right of the Nazis to 'educate' their children about Judaism?
the main difference i see between religious and non-religious people is that religious ideas don't change as we learn more about the world - they at best try incorparate it into their framework - and often if they can't - then it's dismissed. science adapts and it's theories change.