Dance Music Production Courses? is there anywhere/anyone doing this in Newcastle? I'm on a music production course at college which I'm nearly finished but its been far more band related and not really what i was after. any help would be great
not sure what your after mate? band related production is just the same as dance production, it just the stuff all has knobs and buttons, and pc stuff you use your mouse to do everything. All the theory is the same. Or do you just want some to show you how to use cubase or whatever.
more like techniques on how to make basslines sound decent etc, i know how to record bands etc but we havn't been shown how to use logic etc in as much depth as i'd like. But yeah i'm getting a new computer soon which will be running cubase, is it similar to logic?
not far off, i managed to work out logic pretty easily when i had a play on it. You won't really find a course that will show you how to make mint basslines and stuff, its something you will just pick up. and tbf if someone does show you, you won't develop your own sound you'll develop one similar to the person thats showing you, so its not maybe the best idea. If you need any pointers i can help you out.
will drop you a pm when i finally get cubase sorted fella i just dont get the chance to work on anything at college, we're always given crap projects to work on and not enough time to experiment with stuff lol.
been there mate, but it does help you loads, knowing the theory of compression, eq, gating, mastering, mixing really helps you out once you start to really push yourself with making music. and also, remember if you have all the microphone theory nailed too, you will be able to record mint vocals and stuff for you music. I would suggest keeping at it, you can develop your dance production skills in your own time using what you've learned in college in the studio.
cheers for the info, aye im in 2 minds whether to do the HND or take a year out and get a job to buy more equipment for the house.
I always thought the course at Newcastle College catered for that. One of me mates did one and he seems to know a lot about Cubase and the other software you mentioned. I'm looking into stuff like that myself at the mo. I'm well into my djing but need to get more into the production side of things. Good luck and - let me know if you find owt. I'd like to know for myself too
the course im doing shows you how to use the programmes, but hasn't really gone into it that much, i watched an HND class the other day and they seem to go more indepth which is what i want. At the minute im spending most my time in the studio recording and eqing bands, or getting piss poor assignment where we're given 10 differant samples which are terrible and told to make a track :yawn: i heard someone mention mark lowry is doing something?
Ask Jamie about it he's doing one Peter His isnt specified in Dance though but its worked well for him as he does a variety of stuff and although it annoys him sometimes I think it can only be a good thing to widen what you know about all types of music! The lad's are sound on the course too, he said its class
I was meaning to get one of his tracks off him a while back but he was never on MSN when I was. I'll have to ask him about that too.....
Everything is getting much better his stuff I mean Which track was it? Ive lost count of all the ones he's done I hear them so often!
Yeah. His stuffs good. I wodn't have a clue - Give me time though. The track at the time wasn't named, it was just called "New track" - a floaty trance type tune
Ahh I dont like the floaty stuff! Hes doing an edit of Universal Nation I will be pleased to hear! Whats ur msn? Pm me it please if thats okay x