DC10 and Bora Bora Closures

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jon Mack, Sep 18, 2004.

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  1. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    DC10 and Bora Bora Closures

    OK so here's the facts:

    Bora Bora
    Bora Bora is shut completely. No music and no DJ Gee. He's gone home to the UK, and said he isn't planning to come back to Ibiza next year.

    Why is it shut? The official line is that they didn't have the correct license. Obviously there are conspiracy theories running rife round the island. The truth is probably somewhere in between. This year Bora Bora was RAMMED every day. The neighbours didn't like all the pissed / fucked people spilling out all over Playa d'en Bosa, and the police didn't like the rampant drug use which was largely ignored by the minimal Bora Bora security. Coupled with this, a big car park next door was closed - this meant cars everywhere.

    From what I can gather, the police have turned off the sound system on the terrace. They do this regularly to bars that play music too late. They come in and stick "POLICE - DO NOT REMOVE" tape to the mixer and amps, and I guess you get in a lot of trouble if you remove it.

    At the moment and for the last few days, DC10 has been open, but with no DJ on the terrace, and with the music from inside playing on a couple of speakers outside. It's still been banging inside though, and packed - but it's not quite the same without the terrace.

    Why is it shut? Again - the official line is that they didn't have the correct license for the terrace. With this one it's a little easier to believe the conspiracy theories. There aren't many neighbours to complain, as it's in the middle of nowhere.

    Spick law men :down:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    Re: DC10 and Bora Bora Closures

    Nope, Space on a powertrip...
  4. Wardy

    Wardy Registered User

    Mar 9, 2003
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  5. JockB

    JockB Registered User

    May 28, 2003
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    Taken from Ibiza spotlight

    Smokin'jo and Tim Sheridan talk about BORA BORA, DC10, etc!!


    some bits taken from the very interesting interview to the nastydirtysexmusic duo

    so...since last time we spoke how have things gone? a lot has happened I heard?
    Tim :
    Well the biggest news in case you haven’t heard is we got totally busted. At the time we were pretty philosophical about it but since the closure of Bora Bora and just about every cool place on the island it’s clear we were just the first in a much wider agenda. I am totally amazed at all this. I mean...this shit is the most self-destructive kind of activity. Don’t the PP, the Consell or whoever and the discos realise they are commiting suicide? I predict next season will be markedly lower in numbers, so much so they may find themselves fighting each other over a couple of thousand visitors instead of a million. In two years not a single cool person will come to Ibiza and as you know, no cool people means Ibiza might as well be Benidorm or Majorca. They are cutting their own arteries. One of the reasons we moved to Space was we were convinced that to attempt to stay one step ahead of a highly trained, practically private police force would prove to be beyond our resources. We’re a free party not international terrorists!! We had to take our sound somewhere. So moving to Space on Sundays is news too...
    Well our last few weeks at Ciao Rosina before we got busted were fantastic, it was becoming a place for everyone to hang out in, locals, older crowd, hardcore clubbers, post DC10 nutters and pre Manumission loons... the lot. I was having a ball on Talamanca and was pretty gutted when we couldn’t do it there anymore, but confident we would find another place. The few venues we really wanted to move too just didn’t have the proper licenses. and doing some villa parties was a bit too risky also as we didn’t want to chance getting busted again. So to actually end up in Space was pretty cool and it has been truly rockin in the Red Box every week.
    Truly Rockin’ indeed!

    How do you feel about going from free party to major superclubs?
    Well I would obviously love to be on a beach. We may look into other locations off Ibiza. Surely there is a place in Europe who actually wants people to come and have fun and spend their cash? The current atmosphere makes the island a very unlikely prospect for a future. I was in an internet cafe and the police came in and asked for all the papers and the owner was dumbfounded! It really is like ’1984’ all over the globe now. I really thought Ibiza was beyond that. Can you imagine Ibiza with no Bora Bora? no villa parties? No DC10!?!! no fun? your only option is one of a couple of gigantic clubs whose function is to remove cash from people. When you remove choice from people they never just reduce their options to the new limited choice... they just go and make new choices for themselves! It’s crazy to try control the public, we’re far too unpredictable and fickle. It’s a very bleak future. Before Bora Bora being shut I was fairly optimistic, and I was really surprised as I know the guys who run the whole beach area and they are serious people. Proper local. Now I really think the end is near. Who wants to come to Ibiza now? It’s mind boggling. In answer to the question, I have to say I feel we have to work with the superclubs, we’ve been given no option and that is a very bad situation. I know people think DJs are rich but to be honest, and I’m bursting a big bubble here, most of us are working really hard to stay afloat. 2 or 3 DJs in a lineup a Space might be rich, but the other 10 or so DJs are not at all. It’s funny, you never see any really big DJs ever complain about anything serious. It’s about not rocking the boat innit? also I guess when you see lots of people having a good dance and you are paid a years wages for 2 hours everything DOES seem rosy! Why should they care if Bora Bora is closed? Bora don’t pay for Big DJ wages and limos and shit! I suppose it’s a simple case of survival these days...
    We would have loved to carry on doing the free parties in fact we were still looking for places up until a week or so ago, Doing Space wasn’t instead of Ciao Rosina we wanted to carry on doing both nights but it wasn’t to be. Being at Space is great, we have the room to do what we want in, we’ve got a great little hardcore of people that come every week and the new faces love it too. Yes it’s a different vibe of course, but we just wanna play our tunes and have fun, and we can do that at Space without getting busted! The fact it’s a new room is cool too, as there are no preconceptions as to what it’s be like, so we’ve created a new thing in Space, it’s cool. But we are doing a free party after DC10 closing on Oct 4th, which promises to be old skool nastydirty!!
    Ultima Fiesta! last minute directions, maps, massive soundsystem and proper raving. Blash!

    How would you summarise the season now it’s nearly done?
    Well for us it’s been extremely productive. We’ve made quite an impression and a big impact in a short space of time. This was a lot of hard work too! I have to say this season was....eye opening. Definitely eye opening. Ibiza always had this magical quality for me but that’s been dispelled a little by having my eyes opened to the working life here. I am frankly amazed at how ruthless the clubs are with each other and everyone else. I’m amazed but I shouldn’t be. People are the same everywhere and I’ve found this out after 2 decades of travel. I don’t want to sound like a moaning Mary but I had a lot less fun this year, when you are a temporary visitor you tend to go to beaches, eat in restaurants and have a ball. Surving here is less fun altogether. I love it here but I worry I’ll will not want to stay in this current regime. It’d be more fun in North Korea!
    Yeah it’s been a weird one to be honest, for me not playing Manumission was odd but it meant I had time and energy for other things. The Island took a while to get going, but places like DC10 really rocked. I actually didn’t go out much this year, I can’t believe it’s all over so soon, and a lot of clubs are shutting early. It does seem that things are slowing down, it’s a bit worrying, especailly with the closure of Bora Bora and DC10 terrace, I mean those are the things that I love and that a lot of people come to Ibiza for, it’s a real shame, I don’t know what will happen next year, I reckon the numbers will be even more down.
  6. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    All this new legislation is complete bollocks!!

    Bar M, Itaca and other bars in that area, where theres no houses etc.....all have to have big shields up around the bars to get by the new sound laws, they can get busted for playing music after midnight.

    Coastline, Kanya...all that lot, really quiet after midnight, tunes on practically minimum!

    Was gutted when we went to Bora Bora and found out that there would be no music cos of bother with the Police.

    What are they playing at?? Clubbers are a HUGE source of revenue for Ibiza, if things keep going like they are, it will change forever and far less people will go.

    The residents near my hotel are taking full advantage too.....the minute the clock strikes midnight, EVERY NIGHT, they ring the hotel to say that they must get people to turn their music off! I mean, what the hell!

    It´s Ibiza after all, these new laws are shite :(

    Hasn´t affected the clubs like, still been absolutley rammed the last few weeks, had a superb holiday, luckily the new laws havn´t spoiled things for us, but im sure they will have for alot of people!!
  7. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    Fucking fun police.
  8. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Bora Bora is a public beach not a fucking club. Im suprised this didnt happen years ago.
  9. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    fair play Pike :lol: had many a messy one @ Bora Bora :love: was getting a bit much even for me, munters walking round like zombies amongst German kids playing on the beach.

    Looks like Ibiza is well in the decline....it's all about Miami ;)
  10. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The main conspiracy theory is that the owners of the 7 "big" clubs - Space, Pacha, El Divino, Amnesia, Privelige, Eden, Es Paradis have so much control over the island that as soon as a competitor pops up (DC10, Bora Bora) then they take strides to get them shut down.
    Dc10 is in the middle of nowhere. Even if they stop the music there's still planes flying 50m overhead!
  11. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    DC10 :love:
  12. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I'd fuckin love to get a flight over to Ibiza ever Monday. Has a proper underground feel to it, it'll be a travesty if it gets shut down
  13. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    yeah man I know what you mean :D DC10 has seen some of the best DJ's in the world arrive with a box of tunes and tear the place apart. It's popularity is it's downfall :( It's not that big, it's hardly a threat to the superclubs.
  14. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Its still pretty underground. Most people on here who've been to Ibiza won't have been to DC10. It used to be classed as a space carry on but now people seem to be treating it as a proper night and maybe staying in the night before which is possibly where we love sundays could lose out
  15. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    I see your point, you still get the hardcore doing both..mainly workers though :lol: Have you been to underground ? on the main road to Amnesia......was class lastyear :love:
  16. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Yeah went once, nearly killed myself getting there walking along that road - not doing that again, got to be a taxi! Has to be 1 of the best bars for decor I've been to. Wasn't really kicking off when I was there but I've heard it goes pretty mental on Mr C's night
  17. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    aye it's not the safest if you use the Disco Bus :lol: it's a mad place Underground :spangled: I used to go every Thursday as opposed to Cream (cos it's shite) last one was Bushwaka's b/day he played all night :love: place was like a sweat box :(

    Just gets too rammed
  18. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Didn't bother with Cream this year. Basically there's 2 nights the Beer Boys consider stepping out of San Antonio - Manumission and Cream. Much prefer the other nights. Don't think I would stay in San Antonio again, seemed to always be getting buses / taxis to the other side of the island - never went clubbing there
  19. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    aye it's like Blackpool San An :lol: looks like the town or a shared Villa next year :D
  20. Dez

    Dez Registered User

    Nov 14, 2002
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    The sunset strip is nice but thats about it. Playa D'en Bossa seems the best place but might suffer if Bora Bora shuts down. Ibiza town seems a bit too expensive - even the shit bars were charging a lot for drinks
  21. Jon Mack

    Jon Mack Registered User

    Jul 1, 2002
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    comfortably numb !
    yeah the town can be £££, I just used to but beer from the supermarkets and get ratted before going out. I used to get m8's who were PR's to take bags in with Vodka in pop bottles. :D

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