Death in Gaza Did anybody watch this last nite? Documentary following what went on in the south of Gaza, and in particular following four palastinian children. Was scary how even at he age of 12 all they wanna do is kill or be killed by israelli's, tho they go on about peace with everybody else.
The way palestinian militants manipulate children sickens me... Child soldiers be they in the lords army or hamaas is so wrong, there is no justification. but a fucking great documentary.
When the woman was asking the militia if it was right for the 12 year old lad to die and if they would take responsibility. He basicly said so what, we dont care, there are many more to take his place! That shocked me alot.
Great documentary - it could of been very biased and anti-israeli... think it portrayed a very accurate picture of what happens.... there is no winners, no eviler side... its a fucking horrible situation
Yeah definately a good documentary. A huge shame that it was unfinished due to the shooting of the cameraman. They didnt try to say what is right or wrong just show what is happenning
I saw it, it was pretty heavy and I just had to turn off the TV cos it got so depressing. Its a harsh reality , particularly for children of that age to be accustomed to that sorta violence on a day to day basis.
was a really thought provoking documentary, the fact that kids as young as 12 are ready to be martyred for thier religion and what they belive in, and the absolute and total hatred they have for the israelis is unbeliveable! one point that moved me was at the end... when the palestinians treat the dead camera man as a martyr! unbeliveable.