Death Wish Live Anyone watched this yet? The guy on Monday was to hang himself live (2 second tv delay) and escape to pull himself to freedom. Just read in the Metro that it all went wrong, the show had to be cut off air and when it resumed paramedics could be seen running around the set to the lads aid. He's fine now but was quoted saying "I was told it was dangerous and stupid and it turns out the advice I was given was right" He's back on t.v. on Friday, 10pm E4 where he will attempt to escape from a coffin lowered into the grounds and buried in wet cement The last time this was attempted (when black and white tv was around) the guy died........ Was it really that bad or is the paper just playin on it a bit?
I've seen trailers for it but don't really fancy it to be honest. I like stupid stuff like Jackass but this just seems pathetic.
Yeah l saw it live, he had 30 secs to get himself out of the handcuffs and off the rope, but it didnt start lifting him till about 15-20 secs in so he was only in the air for about 10-15 secs before his mate cut him down, it was prearranged to cut him down after 30 secs if he wasnt out The papers are overplaying it but it was a pretty stupid thing to do, if no-one had of cut him down he would have died