Default mouse setting for games?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Nov 17, 2008.

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  1. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Default mouse setting for games?

    OK, I've just started playing COD:WaW and I have the lean left/right commands configured to the two side buttons on my Dell mouse, which outside of the game are defaulted to forward and back in web browsers. When I lean in-game, it's works fine until I move the mouse - then I go back to the normal position and I'm not leaning anymore.

    The settings must have changed for my mouse but I have no idea what they used to be. I played COD4 with the lean function and it proved very handy especially on veteran difficulty and this is just pissing me off :lol: It sounds silly no doubt, but it's bugging me like hell.

    Anyone got any ideas?
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