Departure - She Turns (Markus Schultz Remix) Great tune this - and male vocals to boot. The remix is quite a change from the usual Markus Schultz stuff aswell... his whole set at the gallery a month ago had the same kind of feel - nice throbbing pacey trance ........ *defluffed* Have a look out for it if you havent heard it already - great stuff
not many tunes have male vocals... but they can be really good sometimes - this is one of them times....
ive been playing this loads recently, quality tune electronic elements are putting out some top stuff at the moment
Re: Departure - She Turns (Markus Schultz Remix) got this and love it... like u say it is a little different for him. love the coldharbour selections he puts out too. got them all so far (1 to 5) and looking forward to 6 as its going to have santiago nino - mirage on it! markus =