detox travel info apprently the word is that there is a big londen red bus picking us up! that is the people who got there tickets with travelle also, i have my travelle 2 teh farm parrty sorted 2 get in there my son
lol, i liked the way u did that, way outa left feild and didnt know it was coming, u should be a writer for tv on such good programes as the news! sod the headlines stuff, tell us summit good like there has been reports of 2 fat birds fighting in a pub and i think we may hav a camera there recording this for ure pleasure
yeah camp david here i come! just meeting up with a m8 stay for a drink and get me ticket and scoot i expect like
i never 4get a face but names im shite at! ill see u thursday, then and i can formaly inroduce myself lord crazy jimithy the 3rd