did anyone see the chronicle the other day where some guy had called his company newcastle united football club or something, because he looked to see if it had already been used by another company and it hadn't, and now the real newcastle united football club are gonna take him to court because they want the name. As if they can take him to court though, he registered the name fair and square, so really the toon should change the name of there company
i saw it but theyll end up winning in the end some way or other, but at the end of the day its their own stupid fault for not buying them all, he defo shouldnt give in at all!
i don't think they will win, they'll just have to pay him stupid amounts of money for him to give it up i reckon, lucky bastard. *runs off to search for company names that aren't registered yet but should be*
some way or another big companies like them always manage to get their own way :evil: if i was the bloke id just stand my ground no matter how much they offered just to piss them off
I think we are confusing trading names, company names and tradmarks here. There is not a hope in hell that NU won't have the trademark to 'newcastle united'. It doesn't matter if this guy has setup newcastle united ltd or is using the name as a sole trader or partnership, as long as NU own the trademark they will kick his arse in court (imho). Not even getting into the fact that they can and will spend £100'000s to defend that name and this bloke will probably run out of cash before the case has run it's legal course. The stuff with clubs in spain was about trademarks. When you register a trademark you only register it in the areas where you think you will ever trade, so where as promise is registered in the UK id bet it's not covered anywhere else in the world. Some bright spark realised that none of the uk promoters had registered their names in spain so they went out and registered the lot, gatecrasher, gods etc etc. They then charged the promoters to use the tradmarks to push their events in Ibiza. Some paid and some changed their marks (gatecrasher just changed the mark they used there enough to avoid court). All imho! I'm not trained on the subject, I've just picked a few solicitors brains in the past.
its cos this guy bought newcaste united football club and the real club isregistered as newcastle united football company
Looks worthless to me, I don't see what he hopes to gain from registering that. He doesn't own the tradmark, he doesn't own 'newcastle united football club ltd'.
he said he just wanted the certificate to hang on his wall to show he owned newcastle united football club. roughly translated as, i want a big payout by nufc to buy it off me
haha, he needs to get out more. There is nothing to buy, it's worthless. It might even turn out to cost him money to keep it.
Pretty much spot on, except that now under new EC trademark laws the clubs would have been able to impose trademarks registered in this country over any 'imposter' marks without too much hassle, as they would simply have to prove first claim to the right which wouldn't be too dificult. the guys is wasting his time and any attempt to defend it, like rob said, will probably cost him 1000's