did anyone see That kid on the news whod won a Mcdonalds Prize to lead a team out at the world cup ... Apprently there was some confusion as when he was presented with the prize from Geof hirst , Sir Geof said he would be leading england out but as it turns out hes actually leading Germany out for the opening game of the 2006 world cup . The kid made such a fuss of how dissapointed he was that mcdonalds have now said he can lead the teams out at the charity shield next season .. and then he goes on every news channel there is saying how gutted he is that he has to lead Germany out . Now ok its not England but christ what a prize . And how ungrateful can one lil ginger begger Get !
The kid looks like a mini Chesney of Coranation Street - poor lad. The reason he won leading Germany out as a prize is because his parents ticked the box to put him in the draw for every team, not just England. Therefore he probably would never have won anything if he'd only gone into the draw for the England prize.
What about a pregnant woman saying: I hope my son grows up to be a real heart throb, but if he comes out ginger I'm gonna regret not having an abortion.
well! last time i dies my hair a fews ago i found out when people say there bleeching there hair THEY DONT MEAN DOMESTOS and house hold bleech
What the hell? The kid is about 5 years old or something. He's not being ungreatful at all! If he was TOLD he was going to be leading out England, and gets all excited about it only to find out hes leading out one of our biggest rivals, it's natural to be dissapointed! There isn't a single one of you who would think any different either, especially not at that age, he's just a little kid for gods sake!