Did anyone watch that programme about the moon last night? on BBC4 was all about the space agencys renewed enthusiasm about the moon It had a piece about the other moons in the solar system and had a focus on IO (moon of Jupiter). They said that there was a large amount of ice on the moon and also alot of volcanic activity underneath the ice: two things that are thought to have triggered the formation of life on this planet
i've seen another thing on another one of jupiters moons - the one covered by a frozen ocean. The used to reckon one of the key elements for life was light - but yet at the deepest parts of our ocean there's life in all forms that has evolved without light - they reckon that could be the same as whats under that moons frozen surface. might have been different programs about the same topic!
yeah thats the same moon but a different programme Cant believe there hasnt been more said about this in the mass media Althought if your thread about the film industry and editing is anything to go by, Im not surprised
i never knew they were re-interested in the moon!!! seems like the perfect place for a space station. there's solid ground, it's not far away, less 'space debris' to damage equipment etc. They'll probably withdraw the funding for space stuff soon, infavour of 'self exporation' or something... i'm suprised the U.S. allow it - afterall, it's only god up there and they don't like upsetting him!
NASA are aiming to go in 2018 China are aiming for half that time scale hopefully the US and China can remain on semi-sound terms with each other during all this