Did you know?

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Curly Watts, Mar 21, 2007.

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  1. Curly Watts

    Curly Watts Est. 1988

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Did you know?

    324904 kids are born with Gingervitis a year.
    10% of kids born with Gingervitis commit suicide by age 16.
    30% of those infected with Gingervitis live healthy, productive, long lives.
    20% of those infected with Gingervitis feel great self hatred, and attempt to bite others in hopes they will spread Gingervitis.
    80% of Ginger Kids are totally unaware they are soulless.
    20% of those infected with Gingervitis, know they don’t have souls and pursue a life devoted to Satanism, Paganism, and/or Politics.
    95% of those infected with Gingervitis believe they are ugly contagious beasts, resulting in an extreme fear of such common things as:

    Trying on clothes in public dressing rooms
    Sharing food
    Sharing blood
    Kissing the opposite sex.
    Having Friends

    Common statistics:

    15% of all people in the US are bitten by a child with Gingervitis.
    12% of those bitten don't know the proper steps to take after being bitten.
    63% of those people bitten require years of trauma counseling.
    80% of all people in the US are unaware that kids with Gingervitis have no souls.
    20% of all people in the US are aware that those with Gingervitis lack souls, and persecute them due to this.
    55% of people aware of gingervitis believe it is similar to AIDS.
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