die another day madonna - die another day (tiesto mix) top tune, cant wait for this to get a release... any1 heard it?
Re: die another day aye this is mentioned on the crasher site, im not sure if im keen on it yet like, maybes it will grow on is.
finks i have like but cant remember properly! akk!!! u heard the tiesto mix of tina arena? tis class!!!
yeah, its really good....one of my faves @ the mo....quite proggy, but class.... mix it into obsession (filterheazd mix)
really? in newcastle? i didnt think it was even out on promo or anything yet....cool....ill go search....
the tiesto mix is class but so is the orignal madonna version and the dirty vegas mix also!! the film is class as well tho!! mr revel get searching!!!
tiesto mix is class very magik muzik style!! but orignal is excellent me fink how can u not like it, its a class production of our madge!! :angel: