Dissertation topics I'm still totally stumped! Did anyone on here do anything relevant to finance and/or corporate governance? What did you lot do for your dissertations?
i did one about the war on terror, fascinating stuff but i was out of my depth with the question. was hard to fit it into an environmental degree and i had no background or modules to help. im doing one now on north tyneside wagonways, not as interesting but much closer to home good luck, its a hard slog but the earlier you crack it the much better you will do, im speaking from experience
i like the sound of that... history of the environment, how the place we live is like the way it is ... hhmm.. yes - i'm sad.
That's my problem. Chose to do something on IFRS but realised it's way too much to learn in a few months and I can't use much theory with it.
i'll email you a copy when im done and you can marvel at my excellent skills in plagiarism and "padding out with shit" it is a bit interesting, and the field work was good, i like it because i've already done all the work i just need to write the literature up and then sort the chapters. im sure i'll leave it late but it wouldn't be me if i didn't
yeah i had a subject i enjoyed but i was exploring people's opinions and, being more accustomed to the physical environment, i had very little background in sociology or human geography so i was totally unprepared... that and the fact im lazy with uni work im sure i can get a good mark on my new one but i just lack motivation
Your a massive help on lots of threads, i am doing business economics, i have been looking over a few that my friends done 2 years ago. Have you tried some of the essay bank type sites?
is only ten weeks til hand in date :spangled: i know what im doing and have done loads of research and got journal articles and references from different places. just finding it really hard to get into writing the literature review, so going to annoy my tutor this week for help. try thinking of some topics you have enjoyed then using ebsco or emerald type the key words in to see what comes up and if there is enough secondary research to do the literature review on, so you dont get stuck half way through. its a nightmare