Dj Help Please! dont ask me why i was scratching at 9'o'clock this morning, but doing this has resulted in me killing one of my upfaders (trying something new) does anyone know where i can buy a vestax channel fader for an 05 ProMKIII? (product name: IF-05PCV) Ive looked around a few places but can only find cross faders for sale any help will be greatly appreciated!
ok panic over! (for me) found one for 50 quid this is gonna hurt more than the big bruise on my hand i got from breaking the bastard!
I could maybe get you one a bit cheaper, starting to sell vestax gear from my site - www.disruptivevinyl.vom - got an account open with them so if you want can see if I can get you one a bit cheaper?
thanks alot for the offer m8, appreciate it like i need one kinda yesterday though so its already been ordered, i got it from a competitor that will remain nameless
is it a PCV fader?! and... try cleaning it with a can of air - dont use switch cleaner (servisol stuff is for switches and makes a mess of sliders) if its bad u can take it apart and clean the lot down and re-grease it back up and it should be like new failing that, get your hands in your pocket and get it sorted
My PCV fader died after 3 months Now have a numark fader and a VCA conversion. works a treat and feels awesome. Much lighter than the bloody pcv fader as well
aye, i know what you mean like, i thought the one on the djm500 was nice, but mine used to heat up and become really stiff if i scratched with it for a bit ive been thinking about getting a penny & giles xfader for mine when the pcv goes, but going from that being so light to any other cross fader is gonna be a bit of a struggle, so it might be best to train with something thats just ok then its not such a difference when you play somewhere else atleast with the pcv xfader i can just stand and give it grief until my hand goes numb and it doesnt get all sticky and hot
I dont bother with Vestax mixers, i have & allways will stick with my Pioneer DJM500, aint fucked up in 3 years.
remember ive heard your mixing, u aint heard mine, ill show u what your doing wrong when i head to yours sumtime