DJ Mag Taunt 'Too Old' Pete Tong DJ magazine branded Pete Tong an 'old codger' and 'trainee senior citizen' in their latest issue and further ridiculed the Radio 1 superstar DJ by claiming he suffers from an 'inability to mix coherently'. The highly personal attack appeared in a vicious editorial slating Pete and some of his 40-something peers including New Order, Carl Cox and Danny Tenaglia, though saved their nastiest comments for the Radio 1 legend. "If you're looking for a reason why young people aren't into house music these days just check the date on Pete's passport," DJ sneered. "You can hardly imagine acid house taking off back in '88 if Noel Edmonds or Bruno Brookes (80s Radio 1 star DJs) was giving it the large one about fields and Es (ecstasy)." Chatting to Skrufff two years ago, the superstar DJ admitted he was increasingly conscious of his age and conceded 'you're never going to be the hot new DJ on the block because you're not, you've been around forever'. "But if you're genuine about the music, then age isn't a factor and people will still respect you for it. And if the clubs still want to book you and people still want to come and see you then there's no argument," Pete argued. "It's really important that new DJs come through but you can't expect a new DJ to come through who solves everybody's issues, it's not going to happen," he added. "And if you said all the DJs over 35 had to disappear, sure some great young DJs would emerge but I reckon the scene would be lesser for that, the day after. All the old DJs, whether you love them or hate them, certainly paid their dues, they didn't get put there automatically," he pointed out.
i used to like him, but after the half baked dross he churned out at shindig last month im less convinced he still has his finger anywhere near the pulse... house dj playing 'tomy techno'? = midlife crisis?
yep, compared to previous times ive seen him he was pretty pump at the last one still like his radio show though
didnt see him last time he played shindig, the time before tho i thought he was spot on, another dj that gets more stick than he deserves for no reason imo
he was class at 1bigwkend,,probz the only DJ who really got involved with the crowd playin a couple mediocre filler trax then droppin an earth-shaker,,a still reckon hes top quality
Hes done more for house music than 95% of the rest of them , comments like that are uncalled for and just scream desperation to be controversial.....DJ Mag is shite these days anyway , Jockey Slut for geeks like me. They just like to jump on every single bandwagon and try and make out that they discovered/started it.
I dont listen to Tongy any more but any magazine who's readership puts tiesto as the worlds number one dj, needs to have its credibility questioned.
Tong is a fucking ace DJ, his selection is spot on. His sessions in Pacha during the summer are not to be missed. He has many a year left in him, old codger or not.
That last statement totally contradicts itself Its a popularity contest voted for by loads of clueless americans who vote for who they "think" they should like. If it was decided on people who are top of their game then why the fuck is ATB in the top 10??