DJ Sneak - Fix My Sink Turned on Radio 1 bout 3 hours ago and heard what must have been one of the worst songs I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. At the end of the record I was informed that it was DJ Sneak - Fix My Sink. Am I on my own in finding this song wank or do others agree with me?
What do u like about it? I'm not being funny or anything, just wondered why you like it cos I can't see it's appeal at all.
WHAT?!?!!?!?!?!? It's one of the best funky house tunes of all time! Granted theres some shite remixes (yousef, yousef, yousef) did it have some well nice sax and guitar peices over one of the funkiest basslines around and the lyrics: she said fix my sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk, do what you gotta do, she said fix my sink You usually have good music taste... surely you can't be that wrong.
Shit! Maybe I'm losing my touch! I really don't like it at all. I don't recall it having any sax in it but it was definitely those lyrics. It's not even though I hate funky house either cos I like a lot if it but this really does nothing for me at all.
Just downloaded it now and still nothing. Sorry to let you down Quite like the sax bit in it but apart from that, I think it's pretty poor.
Like smartie says its got a lush funky baseline to it and a catchy singalong vocal to it... its the best funky house & sneak tune ive heard for awhile ... well in my limited knowledge of funky house it is.....