DJD presents: Scott Bradford vol1. OUT NOW!

Discussion in 'Music' started by scott bradford, May 10, 2007.

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  1. scott bradford

    scott bradford Registered User

    Apr 25, 2005
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    DJD presents: Scott Bradford vol1. OUT NOW!

    DJD presents:
    SCOTT BRADFORD –Shindig / Lexicon Avenue / Forensic Records

    70 minute mix featuring tracks and mixes by Jerome Sydenham & Tiger Stripes, Motor City soul, Little green Men, King Unique, Steve Angello & Laidback Luke, Slam and more……

    Digital download available now from

    full track listing:

    1: Jerome Sydenham & Tiger Stripes : F12 Go Bang : Ibadan
    2: Jerome Sydenham & Tiger Stripes : The Elevation : Ibadan
    3: Motorcity Soul vs Andreoni & Figoli : House Musiq :Lo Fi Stereo
    4: Motorcity Soul vs Andreoni & Figoli : State Of Mind : Lo Fi Stereo
    5: S-Low : No Hope version 0.02 : Forensic
    6: Willy San Juan : Kuchebare : Chico Records
    7: Andry Nalin : Baby Is It True Gregor Wagner Edit : Superfly Records
    8: Little Green Men – What You Need : Dub : Forensic
    9: S-Low : Half Life version 0.02 : Forensic
    10: Slam : This World : Wighnomy bros & Robag Wruhme Bukkelflipps Remix : Soma
    11: Steve Angello & Laidback Luke : Otherwize then : Refune
    12: Tim Richards : Smolder : King Unique Mix : Curfew
  2. 1615634792921.png

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