dj'ing skills ?? just come accross this..some great skills here dont you think ?
nah - I'd shit all over them if we ever did battle *nb some parts of this post may not be entirely true unless we were at the tailend of a 24 hours drugs & drink bender
taken from the '3 times in a row' dvd they were giving them away for free at plasa in september (they became out of date as they won for a 4th time at dmc on the sunday night) atom (far left black top) can have an entire conversation with a set of headphones on his ears.
Pfel (one to his right) came second in the world in 2005 (he got beat by I.E Merg (who came 1st for the second year in a row)
That music is quality for chilling out they have any cds kicking about.I've checked the usual places