DJs who are better producers or vice versa Any think there are DJs who are better producers or vice versa? IMO Signum make better songs than when they actually DJ. Only seen em once but wasnt that impressed.
technically producers are normally not as good as DJ's who dont produce. But producers normally play loads of their own stuff, so if u like a producer, then u will like them DJ! it works for me. i have heard mint sets from signum, rank1, MIKE...
TIESTO!!! ARMIN!!! PICOTTO!!! ...are all just as good DJ's as they are producers. as are cosmic gate, dumonde etc.... scott project is a better producer than DJ i reckon. tho i do enjoy his sets his mixing is, erm, suspect at times! can't think of any more right now.
er VAN DYK!!!!! shit just realised what this post actually meant. i think hes a better dj than producer nut his productions are still wicked.