Does Nobody Miss..... The random crack??? love the music section and all but love a bit of random crack now and then!! please come back all the random crack peeps!! U KNOW WHO U ARE?!?!?!
yea, wtf am I meant to do at work when I'm bored? Only so many times you can go for a smoke/coffee/toss...
TBH now that the main forum has gone i find it easier to just get on with my uni work as it aint there to distract me. But i suppose i miss the random crack too.
I miss the arguements, the debates and all those gimps I laughed at on a daily basis And it aint a good thing that people are visiting the site less... it can't be doing promise any good
hehehe!! im finding maself actually sat at the computer at uni doin ma work which was something that neva used to happen!! well obviously im not doin ma work now this second cos im typing on here but i was doin before!! tis a bit crap without the main forum but it didnt half stop me from doin ma work n that so seen as i've got loadsa work on at hte mo it can only be a good thing!! xxx
I had started missing the main board even before it had gone if that makes sense?!?!?! It wasn't what it used to be!
i miss it too, the main forum used to be a right laugh especially when there was an argument/debate or bit of random banter going on akkkkkk! bring back the fun!!
there was really too much random shit though, like if you were gay who would you shag off the board-wtf, anyway we CAN keep the random shit, by using our msn's, most of us have it and to be honest we all put them in our profiles so peeps would say go on barge in on someone doing their uni work !!!!!!
that thread was takin the piss like now ive read marks thread it makes sense about the main bored i think.
not really, cus it was poo! wen u look back at the old threads like from end of last year! then it was a good crack but now its poo!
we will just have to c if it re-launches then thats all we can do but piss taking was fun tho. i dont no