Dog Poo I reported my neighbour a while back to the council for her dog shitting outside my house and her not picking it up. She got a fine a while back as the council caught her doing it. Her dog done it again tonight and my little boy fell on it. After cleaning him up I went out, picked the dog shit up in a bag and wiped it all over her door She is now phoning the police on me I thought I would share it because its funny, although Im quite ashamed as my son is gunna see the police tell me off Iv had enough of it! Other neighbours have also reported her and even the fine hasnt made her pick it up after the dog She shouldnt have a dog if she doesnt clean up after it! Rant Over!!!!!
say you son slipped in it which caused the poo to go flying up and around her door area. She has no proof and technically the scat belongs to her anyway.
go for it! its quite dangerous for the very young as well isnt it? causing blindness and what not. pinch the dog and hold it ransom. or infact go one better pinch it without her knowing and shave "fuck off" into the side of it with a mach 3. replace the dog and sit back and laugh.
Fucking Quality! Well done. Peeps buy pony sized dogs and walk then round the block on concrete.. wankers!
My neighbours' kids think Im a total hero now They are telling all their mates Its really dangerous for young kids, especially boys, I dont know if its true but it can cause blindness and make them infertile
I was thinking that! It was bad enough wiping the bairns arse! Cats are the way forward for this kind of shit
Re: Dog Poo get the fuck in, best bit of payback ive heard since that thread about the bloke trowing a burglar out of his window 10 mins ago
Surely you'd let her dog shit all over your sitting room floor going by your comments in that burglar thread.
if im being honest what i would have done is put the shit in a bag, poured a bit lighter fluid on it and kicked fuck out of her door and set it alight, theres a bit of irony lurking there
I think if the dog has worms it can cause blindness like. You should post the shit through her letterbox or when mick and dan get back from ibiza tell them both to go and shit on her front lawn. See how she likes it!