Don't you hate it... ..when your having one of those really big shite's, and you know it won't flush away afterwards cos the bog bowl is cheap, small, and nasty?? Just had one at work, not nice!
Pick it up and go into your boss' office and demand a pay rise or else you'll make him watch you eat it.
Re: Don't you hate it... i had a belta shit at work one time, blocked the whole bogs in the building, had to get contractors out to unblock the drains:fart:
Re: Re: Don't you hate it... I can honestly say I've never had a "belta shit" once in my life. I guess my parents did a good job raising me
Re: Re: Don't you hate it... just the other day someone launched an arse-banshee of biblical proportions in the pot at work, it was a real pan-jammer
Re: Re: Don't you hate it... too much bog roll, schoolboy error, the shit i saw in ikon last year was of a magnitude not seen before, i bet that one needed a hand down
Ive had loads of banging shits recently use loads of bog roll to Tho aint nice when it wont flush away unhygenic