Downloading Live Sets? Having just got broadband, I thought I'd download some live sets. However, on certain sites, the link just plays it direct through real player rather than saving it to my hard drive. Is there any way I can save it so I can burn it on to CD? I'm sure there must be. Cheers!
erm try right clicking the link and clicking svae target as: however if its a ram file which is likely try: right clicking on the link and then click save target as and save it, then open that file in notepad (by right clicking and selecting open with, or holding down shift right lcicking and selecting open with)... this is the address of the file you want you now need to save it, to do this: copy and paste the address into somewhere whcih gives you the option to rightclick on the link and hit save target as again (word might, html editors will, email editors might)
Having just tried it out and failed, I need more help. This may sound stupid but what's html editor? Thanks.
html editor is somethng u build websites with, the reason you need something like this is because you need to make the address a link you can open in internet exproer (so you can save the target ) I'm assuming you've got the address out of notepad do this instead of d/ling a html editor... Code: <html> <body> <a href="">Right Click to save File</a> </body> </html> The above a very veyr very basic website... change the to the address you got out of notepad... then save this text file in note pad as download.html (make sure you change text file to all files in the save as menu). Open download.html and right click on the text that says click to save then just save target as.