Dreams? I know there was a thread made about this not very long ago.. But like, almost every night i go 2 sleep when im waking up in the morning..i have like, an absoloutly horrible dream..like something really bad will happen...they arent just weird..(they are weird aswell!) But they r like, the worst dreams i have ever had... This morning..(sounds weird i know) Like it was in the war (but it wasnt kind of thing it was now) & people were making me watch loads of my mates get killed they were like, drowning them in front of me..What? & Then i had that thing happen 2 me twice, that Jess was saying happens 2 her...I saw somebody come into my room...like a man..and they just stood next 2 my bed..and i tried 2 move or speak and i just couldnt at all...it was the worst thing ever...i couldnt speak or move or look at the person cos i was obviously like still asleep, but it was so bad! It happened twice..its really weird. I do smoke a lot of weed, but is there anything else this could be 2 do with? I know smoke probably gives you a lot of bad dreams n stuff...but ive never had dreams like this every night. The odd one maybe..lol..i feel scared to go 2 sleep! :yawn:
Well, i did think...of that straight away. But i was just wondering if its 2 do with anything like, i duno stress and stuff, its probably loads of stuff..dreams r weird though...its just horrible..wud actually make me calm down with the :chill:
Disturbed sleep patterns leads to something called sleep phycosis when you dont know when your in a mixed state of consicousness, like half awake and half asleep. I usually get it through the week if Ive had a harsh weekend and its not very nice
It was so bad! I was really like, shocked afterwards cos it was so weird...i was just wondering if it was only the weed, which i suppose it is...
i have a recurring dream where I am driving a train, nothing much happens, i'm just driving... i am told it means i am unfufilled in my life
I keep dreaming about work now.Does my head in cos Im doing work all day, then Im dreaming Im working all night. Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bang: