driving at night.. does anyone else find other people's lights (on dipped beam) blinding on roads which aren't otherwise lit? i've nearly had several crashes on the A69 country areas recently because of other people's headlamps and it's scaring the shit out of me. i find it well dangerous, and even ended up on the wrong side of the road once. my lights are also fine, its obviously a lot easier with full beams on but you can't have them on for the sake of other road users.
funnily enough i've just had them fixed and they do work fine, i can see perfect when no one elses lights are glaring on my screen. it may be that the inside of the windscreen needs a clean :spangled:
its those blue xeon headlamps, or the powerful white ones (dont know thier name). Mine are only normal yellowish tinge headlights, so i know mine dont blind anyone. If peoples headlights are too much i just pull over as soon as I can, slow right down, or if you cant pull over, just head for the left side of the car that is blinding you. Its well dangerous like.
Clean the inside of your windscreen. Also, if someone is coming towards you with bright lights, just focus on the edge of the road (on your side), which helps keep you in line while avoiding the glare of their lights.
1) slow down 2) partially use your sun visor to take the edge off the glare then do what b.o.b said 3) IF you've got flog lights, use them, this often shows the sides/edge of the road better... however the feds will pull u over for illegal use of them. pitch black nights on country roads with no street lights alwats make it difficult to see where the centre line is
I was driving on country roads last night and ended up driving about 30mph, I really hate driving in the dark and people's lights are far too bright, but there's always idiots who think they're class drivers, someone overtook me on a blind bend last night the dickhead. It was even worse last night cos it was dead foggy as well. I'd prefer to drive a bit slower than kill myself and my friends
er no, but then again, nothing on my car is right - i have squooshies, clickys, tick-tocks, a honker and wipeys. i may well have wiper whips.
Re: driving at night.. I agree Nass, I think all major roads should have some lighting like, you come to a bend and cant really see properly cos of the other lights, definatley dangerous.
Re: driving at night.. mate u ever thought u might need glasses, cos i didnt realise how blind i was until i got some... i cannot drive at night without them)
can u remember giving me a lift home that time clarki and i gave u the wrong directions back to the town? about 10 mins later i thought "shit i didnt say that right" that was the night i gave u love heart werent it
i don't drive but would'nt a pair of shades come in handy?? it's not as if anyones gona see you and even so what the fuck, just put them in your side door pannel and use them for the journey. not sure if they would affect you whilst driving but just wear them on the forhead then flick them down when a car is approching???
Re: driving at night.. I get this. Just had my eyes tested and my prescription has changed quite a bit, so that might have something to do with it. Have ordered new glasses- they have anti-dazzle on them which I hope will help.