Drug Driving What is your thoughts on it? I dont but I have been inside a vehicle when the driver has been slightly out of it, You dont realise the seriousness of it until something bad occurs
ive driven after a couple of :chill: , but never while pissed or on anything else its a wee bit too risky
No. for the wrong reason mind - i wouldn't want to get caught rather than for not wanting to kill someone. at least it stops me doing it
yeah me too at least with smoking it makes you concetrate even harder not that thats any justification for doing it
I couldn’t do it, I read an article in mixmag last year about a girl who killed 3 of her mates and herself driving back from crasher summer of sound I couldn’t put myself in that predicament Eyeball its just common sense pay the extra for safety you cant put a price on your life
i know- i dont drive under the influence of anything even in the pub i dont have even one pint if i am driving and i wouldnt dream of driving after anything else
I've driven after a :chill: , never again though, get too paranoid. Been driven home by a mate after he had a nite on the happy sweets, got so close to a parked car at one point I nearly dove into his lap. Not big and not clever.
it's such a fast junction and when the lights are green you can just belt thru... i'm paranoid about getting t-boned by some scally in a Saxo jumping the lights
Drug driving Wrong After *name withheld* @ ??, the last time Lashes dj'ed, a mate of mine drove us back 'cos he'd stayed off the drink all night. He took some pills early on in the night and started with just a half. Every half hour or so he was dropping another half because he said they weren't taking effect. Bearing in mind we'd gone in at the 10pm opening time, he'd knocked back quite a few by the end of the night. We were all dubious about getting in the car as he can't handle them at the best of times, but he looked fine and was adament he was ok to drive - Half way back, down the A69 we were all chatting and listening to the music totally oblivious that he hadn't been a part of the conversation for the last 10 mins or so. That was until the car started to sway off the road!! Me mate in the passenger seat (his girlfriend) had to grap the wheel and we noticed that he was sat with his hand by his side with his eyes closed. He sharply woke up from us shouting and pulled into the nearest layby. When he explained what had happened another mate decided to take over to drive us home - His (the driver) pills had took so long to kick in that when they did, he'd closed his eye's because he thought he was sat at work in front of his pc and decided to take a brief nap Once we got back he was sat half asleep and kept blurting out random sentences that had nothing to do with the conversations taking place (Although, to be fair, this is a regular occurance amongst us all after a good sesh'!). After this experience, no matter how much somebody thinks they are capable of driving whilst wrecked. They probably aren't!!