E-Commerce Project..

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Jason Bourne, Jan 18, 2007.

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  1. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    E-Commerce Project..

    I've just sorted a deal to build an e-commerce for a new clothing distribution company in the UK.. and thus far I have not actually built an e-commerce site but have had decent experience with building websites.

    Just wondering if anyone has any major experience with these sort of projects..

    I'm guessing that all of the following are required -

    1. Name Registration
    2. Dedicated servers
    3. Domain Transfers (if name is already registered..)
    4. Payment Gateways
    5. Inter Merchant Accounts

      Also looking into implementing a 3rd party CMS..
      Baring in mind I'm doing this myself and I only have a few nights a week to actually work on this.. I might be calling out for some help :lol:

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    Step 1 - Use the Nucastle Tech forum.
    Step 2 - ???
    Step 3 - Profit
  4. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Cheeky fucker :lol:

    I'm just exhausting all avenues of information while doing this project..

    This ain't the only place I've posted ;)

    The more opinons and information I can gather the better the project will turn out to be.

    So there mister :p
  5. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    If they've got the name registered already through a decent registrar like 123 (pipex) then it would be dead easy to point it elsewhere.

    I've got a bit of experience with this, I'm currently running a dedicated server in a datacentre in london and I've got it running DNS for several sites, apache, ftpd, mail, plus an IRC server. The DNS and apache sides are dead easy to set up, the site may be a little harder. If I want to host a site for someone, I buy the name through 123 and then point the name servers to ns.globalirc.org.uk/ns2.globalirc.org.uk or ns.nucastle.co.uk/ns2.nucastle.co.uk, both of which resolve to my current server, then create address and mailserver records for the site name. Then I create a virtual server in apache for the new site, update qmail for the email, and create a new user account for the ftp. dead easy.

    As for existing CMS solutions, try googling drupal, e107 and phpnuke, just to start you off. I'm currently building a site for myself @ www.nucastle.co.uk - that uses the latest version of drupal and it looks pretty sweet.

    For the e-commerce/shopping cart side of things, have a look at http://www.agoracart.com/ ;)

    If it's a complete e-commerce platform thats going to attract a lot of traffic I'd recommend your own server over a webhosting deal with someone else unless it's a really good deal you're getting...
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015

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