Eastern Europe Is Coming From May 1st this year millions of former Eastern Bloc citizens will qualify for UK pensions. This cash bonanza is open to people in the ten eastern European states that are joining EU. Britain & Rep Ireland are 2 EU countries offering full access rights to the 10 Nu-EU nations. Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Austria have banned people from the 10 Nu-Eu nations getting any benefits for at least 7 years.
i hate living in england, parents want to move abroad in a few years time and i shall hopefully go with them
Can the country support this? Where's the cash gonna come from My Parents are moving to Spain this year, I don't blame them
GB will soon be full of immigrants and "politically correct pratts". I wonder what the crime rate will be like in years to come..
Britain's our dream http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004030688,00.html It is hard life they have got & to be fair if I was them I would come here.
“Roma going to Britain may need some support from the Government. But once they have the education and skill they will work." This is a lot more than a lot of British dole scroungers and benefit dwellers will do, I think theyre more of a disgrace to our society than immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves.
Agreed! I hate all those low-life scum who go on about how immigrants are taking all our jobs and benefits, well OK blame the Government, get them to change something so that they don't receive AS MUCH as British Citizens but don't EVER blame the immigrants....looking at that news report you can see what sort of state they live in! When people go on about how those "immigration centres" are in-human and such do they ever ask the immigrants themselves if they'd rather live in a large centre full of other immigrants or in a wooden shack in the freezing countryside of a poor country? Hmmm...I know which I'd choose. Sorry, I'll shut up now
I'm looking forward to the UK becoming more multi-racial and multi-faith. I'd rather live around people with varied lifestyles and attitudes than the average lazy white trash englishman who think that because he was born in the UK he is better (and has a right to a better life) than anyone else.
I just realised my post really made no sense at all! I did have a point to make in there somewhere! Really I did!
I hope your future neighbours look like these inbred mutants. The only thing varied here is the location of their malformed facial features!
I think I'd rather live next door to these people than the charv household who live next door at the moment. They get groups of charvs coming and going 24 hours a day 7 days a week and they're always hanging around our gate and since we don't have a drive then we have to stand at the window and watch the car! They stand at your gate and when you want to go through it they look at you like you've just walked into their house on christmas day and pissed on their grandma (all credit to Peter Kay for that one!) and you're like "Get out of the fucking way it's MY fucking house!!" Bet the immigrants are much nicer people
Id be a fucking "nice person" if someone gave me a free house on Hollywood Boulevard. Id say good morning to every mother fucking celebrity I saw while getting the paper in.
Exactly! I couldn't care less whether they're nice just because they've got a home in Longbenton (not quite Hollywood) at least they're more pleasant neighbours than the charvs! We should do a cultural exchange programme...send the charvs to Slovakia/Poland/Czech Republic/etc. and bring all of them over here! Just an idea
Why does it matter what they look like so much to you? I care more about if they are friendly and considerate neighbours.