eBay Feedback - where and where?! Right - Feedback- what do people think it the right way to do this? i ALWAYS seem to be the person acting first to give feedback in a transaction - whether i've been the seller OR the buyer - does my box in. The way i see it, if i'm the BUYER, and i've paid, i should get the feedback for that action straight away - THEN when the item arrives i give THEM the relevant feedback. Instead, i always seem to get "your items been posted, once u receive it, update my feedback and i'll return the favour" emails - NO - I'M THE BUYER, I'M THE CUSTOMER, i give u my cash FIRST - YOU DO MY FEEDBACK. Bastards.
What happens if theres a problem with the item though? Trust me, buyers can be bastards too. I seem to do it 1st when Im buyer but not when im seller, which i admit doesnt make much sense.
Buyers are the customer, they send their money first in good faith. the seller gets what their side of the contact completed first. either way, whether i sell something OR buy it - it's always me that initiates the feedback.
U need to get tough then. If I don't get any, then the other person doesnt either. Or I wait a while before giving it at least.
Re: eBay Feedback - where and where?! reet on fella!!! fucks me off when they take weeks to leave feedback too specially when I give my as soon as I have the item and checked its all intact!
Re: eBay Feedback - where and where?! Agreed. When I'm the seller, as soon as I receive the payment I leave the feedback. Why should the seller wait until they receive positive feedback before they do
Re: eBay Feedback - where and where?! Totally agree! That rant has a whole lot more ferocity behind it if you keep looking at your av after each paragraph though
I normally leave feedback as soon as i recieve my item , if im the seller i leave feedback as soon as i recieve payment , wot does piss me of tho is when people dont bother leaving me feedback at all
I used to leave feedback as soon as I received a payment or when I received the item. Now I leave feedback when I receive an item or if Im selling , when they leave feedback for me. It doesmy head in when people dont leave any. :evil: